Tomsk Polytechnic University



Training programs:

Information Systems and Technologies in Non-Destructive Testing, managed by Galina Vasilyevna Vavilova, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Control and Diagnostics Department, +7 (3822) 701777 x 2768. Building No. 18, office 301,;
Devices and Methods of Quality Control and Diagnostics, managed by Galina Vasilyevna Vavilova, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Control and Diagnostics Department, +7 (3822) 701777 x 2768. Building No. 18, office 301,

Information Systems and Technologies in Non-Destructive Testing

The program is aimed at training specialists in the design, production, maintenance and repair of instrumentation equipment applied in operations.

Graduates are in high demand in various industries from food to oil and gas production. With the help of modern information technologies and tools, such specialists measure parameters of materials and products at different stages of production, verify and calibrate the instruments.

Knowledge, skills and abilities

You will learn to:

  • receive, process and present measurement information on properties of materials, products and objects using up-to-date information and measurement systems;
  • develop, upgrade, and implement measurement, control, and automation methods and tools;
  • perform mathematical modeling, develop software for measurement and control;
  • apply knowledge of regulatory and metrological support of measurement and control tools.

Devices and Methods of Quality Control and Diagnostics

Graduates are experts in non-destructive testing of materials and products for various purposes. They develop, produce, upgrade, and maintain systems for receiving, recording, and processing information on items and, based on the data obtained, evaluate their quality, condition, and resource for safe operation.

The knowledge and skills of such specialists are in great demand today in a wide variety of industries and economies: from construction to oil and gas production.

Knowledge, skills and abilities

You will learn to:

  • solve problems of control, diagnostics, quality assurance of materials and products in various industries;
  • record and process information about the environment, biological and technical products using up-to-date control tools, including multi-layer 3D imaging;
  • perform non-destructive testing and technical diagnostics using the latest equipment and technologies;
  • evaluate the technical condition of products and their safe operation life cycles.