Training program Power Generating Units Design and Diagnostics, managed by Andrey Vladimirovich Gil, associate professor of the Butakov Research Center of the School of Energy & Power Engineering, +7 (3822) 701777 x 1672, Building No. 4, office 402, angil@tpu.ru.
The power engineering industry takes a special place in the implementation of the development strategy of Russia, as a large-scale use of advanced technologies and equipment is possible only if modern power-efficient equipment is available.
Graduates of this program are able to solve interdisciplinary tasks in the fields of energy and gas transportation. Special attention is given to project designing, engineering and manufacturing of units and systems of gas compressor stations, thermal power plants and nuclear power plants. The organizational and management competences are also mastered.
Knowledge, skills and abilities
You will learn to:
- carry out work of all types of complexity on the organizational and technical support of the full cycle or particular stages of operation of thermal mechanical equipment;
- design, construct and support power plants at all stages of the life cycle;
- ensure industrial safety during commissioning, operation, reconstruction, overhaul, technical re-equipment, conservation and liquidation of a hazardous production facility;
- manage monitoring system for technical condition and technical diagnostics at the facilities and structures of the oil and gas complex and power engineering;
- organize supply and control of gas balances within the service area of the gas industry organization.
What else you need to know
Students participate in design engineering and research work while performing real-life projects.