Training programs
- Internet of Things and Digital Production, managed by Alexander Alexandrovich Filipas, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the Automation and Robotics Department, +7 (3822) 701777,+7 (3822) 701777 x 2240, Building No. 10, office 111, filipas@tpu.ru;
- Industrial Safety Systems
Internet of Things and Digital Production
Internet of Things (IoT) is the concept of data transfer network between physical objects (things) with built-in means of interacting with each other and the external environment. IoT technologies are able to restructure economic and social processes, optimize production.
The introduction of IoT in technological processes is actively underway all over the world. There is also a growing need for specialists to develop and manage production infrastructure using industrial Internet of Things technologies.
Students of the program explore the design of industrial automation systems, programming languages of IEC 61131 standard, performance protocols and interfaces, information processing algorithms (including predictive analytics), methods of machine learning and artificial intelligence, modeling of processes and control systems, creation of cyber-physical systems.
Knowledge, skills and abilities
You will be able to:
- create automatic control systems for stationary and non-stationary facilities, complex technological processes;
- design embedded systems and develop microcontroller algorithms;
- use mathematical models and information tools for development and research of control systems, monitoring, diagnostics and maintenance of the product life cycle and production.
What else you need to know
- The laboratories where the program participants are engaged are equipped with tools and software of world leaders – Schneider Electric, M.F. Reshetnev's ISS, Siemens, Prosoft.
Industrial Safety Systems
Automation of technological processes allows you to increase labor productivity and product quality. Industrial safety systems are responsible for the reliability of production operations.
The program includes the study of the industrial safety basics, design of emergency systems, information and functional safety of automated systems.
Knowledge, skills and abilities
You will be able to:
- design and operate automated control systems, including industrial safety systems;
- use technical tools to equip industrial safety systems, increase their reliability;
- understand the software, information and technical support of industrial safety systems.
What else you need to know
- The laboratories where the program participants are engaged are equipped with tools and software of world leaders – Schneider Electric, M.F. Reshetnev's ISS, Siemens, Prosoft.