Training programs
- Chemical Technology of High-Molecular Compounds, managed by Lyudmila Ivanovna Bondaletova, Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering Department, School of Natural Resources Engineering;
- Digital Technologies in Petrochemical Production Design, managed by Igor Mikhailovich Dolganov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering Department, +7 (3822) 701777 x 1462; Building No. 2, office 136, dolganovim@tpu.ru;
- Chemical Technology of Fuel and Gas, managed by Elena Nikolayevna Ivashkina, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Chemical Engineering Department,+7 (3822) 606337; +7 (3822) 701777 x 1470; Building No. 2, office 135, ivashkinaen@tpu.ru;
- Analysis and Control in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries, managed by Elena Ivanovna Korotkova, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Chemical Engineering Department, +7 (3822) 701777 x 1424, Building No. 2, Office 214, eikor@tpu.ru;
- Chemistry and Technology of Biologically Active Substances, managed by Andrey Ivanovich Khlebnikov, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor of N.M. Kizhner's Scientific and Educational Center, +7 (3822) 706349; +7 (3822) 701777 x 5283; Building No. 11B, office 202, aikhl@tpu.ru;
- Processes and Equipment for Mineral and Man-Made Raw Materials, managed by Olga Viktorovna Kazmina, Professor of N.M. Kizhner's Scientific and Educational Center, Engineering School of New Production Technologies, +7 (3822) 706348; +7 (3822) 701777 x 1459; Building No. 2, office 121, kazmina@tpu.ru;
- Chemical Technology of Ceramics and Composite Materials, managed by Olga Viktorovna Kazmina, Professor of N.M. Kizhner's Scientific and Educational Center, Engineering School of New Production Technologies, +7 (3822) 706348; +7 (3822) 701777 x 1459; Building No. 2, office 121, kazmina@tpu.ru;
- Advanced Chemical and Biomedical Technologies, managed by Alexey Nikolayevich Pestryakov, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor of the Research School of Chemical and Biomedical Technologies, +7 (3822) 606117; +7 (3822) 701777 x 1402; Building No. 2, office 214, pestryakov@tpu.ru.
Chemical Technology of High-Molecular Compounds
More than 60 percent of chemists in the world are engaged in polymers, the number of disciplines in this field is very large. The current trend is the transition from structural materials to functional and intelligent polymers that change their behavior depending on the environment.
The master's program includes the study of fundamental principles of polymer chemistry, technologies for the production and processing of polymers, the principles of optimization and design of polymer production.
Knowledge, skills and abilities
You will be able to:
- organize independent and team research work;
- search, process, analyze and systematize scientific and technical information, use modern devices and techniques, conduct experiments and tests;
- address operational challenges related to development of parameters and control of the technological process, development of consumption coefficients of raw materials, energy resources, equipment selection;
- perform technological and technical calculations, technical and economic analysis of the project.
Digital Technologies in Petrochemical Production Design
The purpose of the program is advanced training of specialists in chemical technology, design and modeling of processes of preparation and processing of oil and gas, system engineering of petrochemical industries.
The program includes disciplines covering the entire life cycle of the business process: from the design and development of technology to the release of final products and the disposal of industrial waste.
The program partner is TomskNIPIneft (Rosneft). Students carry out projects in a realistic environment simulating real professional conditions, and can start working after training almost without adaptation.
Knowledge, skills and abilities
You will be able to:
- design and model the processes of early production and chemical processing of oil and gas using digital technologies;
- work with software packages Unisim Design, AutoCAD, Ansys, calculate the material and temperature balance of oil and gas fields, build cost models, determine NPV and break-even points of projects;
- use automation tools and tools for digitalization of technological processes;
- use English in the professional life at a level not lower than Intermediate.
What else you need to know
- Students can conduct research in the specialized laboratory Natural Energy Carriers, use the licensed software Unisim Design, AutoCAD, Ansys;
- Scientific research with the participation of undergraduates is supported by industrial partners: PJSC Gazpromneft, Rosneft and others.
- Teachers are trained in JSC TomskNIPIneft, the company's specialists are involved in the development and implementation of the educational program.
- The program was developed with the support of Vladimir Potanin Charitable Foundation.
Chemical Technology of Fuel and Gas
Training program for specialists in oil and gas processing technologies. While training, students participate in scientific research of TPU, academic institutes of Tomsk and Novosibirsk, perform work for large enterprises in oil and gas industry.
All teachers of the program have academic degrees. At the end of the master's degree, 100% of graduates can be placed for employment.
Knowledge, skills and abilities
You will be able to:
- select equipment, optimize the operation of refineries;
- conduct laboratory tests of fuel and lubricating oil products, improve the quality of fuel and lubricants;
- conduct scientific research of technologies for processing of hydrocarbon raw materials;
- use English in the professional life at a level not lower than Intermediate.
What else you need to know
- Students practice at oil and gas early production facilities and major oil refineries in Russia;
- The composition and properties of hydrocarbon crude are studied on real samples of oil and petroleum products;
- Students work in the specialized chemical laboratory Natural Energy Carriers, use the licensed software Unisim Design, AutoCAD, Python, Ansys;
- Scientific research with the participation of undergraduates is supported by industrial partners: PJSC Gazpromneft, Rosneft and others;
- Every year, three or more software products are registered in collaboration with the master's students of the program;
- More than 200 academic hours are devoted to professional training in English with teachers having specialized technical education;
- More than three quarters of final works are carried out in the interests and per direct tasks from companies;
- Each graduate of the master's program has at least one publication by the end of their studies.
Analysis and Control in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries
The program trains specialists - analysts and metrologists with knowledge of product analysis of the chemical, food, pharmaceutical industries, production technology of bio- and pharmaceutical products, development and implementation of standards in accordance with GMP and GLP international requirements, quality management systems.
Undergraduates are actively involved in the scientific activities of the Chemical Engineering Department of TPU Engineering School of Natural Resources, which can be continued in postgraduate studies, including those with the dual supervision of the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague, the Technical University of Vienna and other partners.
Knowledge, skills and abilities
You will learn to:
- use modern chemical and pharmaceutical equipment and scientific instruments;
- select effective and rational methods of synthesis, analysis and control of biologically active substances and finished medicines;
- select operational conditions of production of medicines, analyze the technical documentation, control the starting substances and finished dosage forms;
- understand the principles of good laboratory practice in the development of new medicines in accordance with national and GCP and GLP international standards, principles of clinical trials, pre-registration studies and registration of the drug;
- validate, verify, and apply measurement and test methods;
- ensure the competence of the laboratory.
Chemistry and Technology of Biologically Active Substances
We train a new generation of specialists who are able to work in innovative activities based on the integration of education, science and business.
The program is aimed at implementing one of the key priorities of the scientific and educational activities of the TPU N.M. Kizhner's School – creation of biological active substances used as medicines.
Knowledge, skills and abilities
You will learn to:
- search, analyze and systematize scientific and technical information, choose methods and means of solving problems;
- use modern devices and techniques, conduct experiments and tests, process and analyze their results;
- organize independent and team research work, develop plans and programs for scientific research and technical development, develop tasks for performers;
- improve technological processes, including the use of raw materials, replacement of scarce materials, waste disposal, study of root causes of failures and proposals for their prevention and elimination;
- evaluate the effectiveness of new technologies and implement them in operations.
What else you need to know
Undergraduates can study at foreign universities-partners, including Technical University of Dresden, Technical University of Vienna, University of Ulsan (South Korea), University of Chemical Technology in Prague, and Wayne State University (Detroit, USA).
Processes and Equipment for Mineral and Man-Made Raw Materials
The purpose of the program is to train highly qualified specialists in production and development of technologies and devices for processing mineral and man-made raw materials.
Knowledge, skills and abilities
You will learn to:
- organize research work, develop plans and programs for conducting scientific research and technical development;
- search, analyze and systematize scientific and technical information on you research topics, choose methods and means of solving problems;
- use modern devices and techniques, conduct experiments and tests, process and analyze their results;
- develop measures for the integrated use of raw materials, replacement of scarce materials, search for waste disposal options, investigate root causes of failures and develop proposals for its elimination;
- evaluate the effectiveness of new technologies and implement them in operations.
What else you need to know
The program was developed at the request of Russian companies in 2019 and has no analogues in the market of educational services.
Chemical Technology of Ceramics and Composite Materials
The purpose of the program is to train highly qualified specialists in the development, research and production of ceramic and composite materials. Graduates are employed in high-tech enterprises, research institutions, and continue their education in graduate school.
Knowledge, skills and abilities
You will learn to:
- organize research work, develop plans and programs for conducting scientific research and technical development;
- search, analyze and systematize scientific and technical information on you research topics, choose methods and means of solving problems;
- use modern devices and techniques, conduct experiments and tests, process and analyze their results;
- develop measures for the integrated use of raw materials, replacement of scarce materials, search for waste disposal options, investigate root causes of failures and develop proposals for its elimination;
- evaluate the effectiveness of new technologies and implement them in operations.
What else you need to know
The teaching staff of the program is highly qualified. More than 70% of professors conduct research for large companies.
Advanced Chemical and Biomedical Technologies
The first integrated Master's and postgraduate training program in Russia, aimed at training a new generation of professional scientists in chemical and biomedical technologies.
The key features of the program are an individual educational trajectory for each student, the opportunity to complete an internship at leading universities and research centers in Russia and abroad, involvement in research activities and project implementation from the first days of training under the guidance of world-renowned scientists, a high level of integration of the English language into the training process.
Graduates of the program are in high demand in TPU, leading Russian and international companies, and institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Knowledge, skills and abilities
You will learn to:
- search, process, analyze and systematize scientific and technical information on the research topic;
- organize independent and team research work, develop research plans and programs, prepare publications for highly rated Russian and foreign magazines (Q1-Q2);
- use methods of mathematical modeling of materials and technological processes;
- professionally operate modern research equipment and instruments;
- protect intellectual property items and commercialize the rights for them;