Master's program «Materials Science»
- Specialist training direction - 22.04.01 «Materials Science and Technology of Materials»
- Duration of education - 2 years;
- Form of education - full-time, with using of distance learning technologies;
- Education language - English;
- The program has been implemented since 2017;
- The annual graduation rate is 10 people.
Program annotation
The program is focused on the fundamental physical and technical training of graduates to be successfully employed in different fields of research and development of materials and engineering. The Master’s educational program include core courses in materials science, surface physics and chemistry for students to obtain special knowledge and skills according to Russian and international educational standards. Education deals with theoretical and practical study in the field of modern material science of nanomaterials, organic polymers, non-organic metals and ceramics to be applied in different industries to develop novel engineering structures and technologies, methods for investigation and testing of materials.
The program is implemented by the teaching staff of the department, the founder of which is Victor Panin, an outstanding scientist with a worldwide reputation, a specialist in the physics and mechanics of deformable solids, physical materials science, the author and co-author of over 600 scientific papers, including 12 monographs, 39 inventions certificates and patents.
Program Supervisor
Panin Sergey V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.
Professor of the Materials Science Department of the Engineering School of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies, Head of the Laboratory of Mechanics of Polymer Composite Materials, Chief Researcher of the Institute of Physics of Strength and Materials Science SB RAS.
Purpose of the program «Materials Science»
Preparing of highly qualified engineering personnel in the field of designing and development of new productional technologies at the enterprises of machine building and energy complexes with knowledge of the fundamental bases of science about materials and technological processes of production from new materials.
Key competencies of graduates
- The graduate is ready to independently set and solve scientific and applied problems in the creation of new materials, research their properties, at the modern experimental and theoretical level, development of technology for their production, design of materials with desired properties on the basis of computer technology.
- The graduate is able to carry out complex research and testing of materials and products, processes of their production, processing and modification; is able to use in practice modern ideas about the influence of micro- and nano-structure on the properties of materials, their interaction with the environment, fields, particles and radiation;
- The graduate is able to participate in the development of technological processes of production and processing of industrial products, control systems of technological processes;
- A graduate is able to apply knowledge of the main types of modern inorganic and organic materials, the principles of material selection for given operating conditions, taking into account the requirements of manufacturability, efficiency, reliability and durability, the environmental consequences of their use in the design of high-tech processes.
The main disciplines of the curriculum:
- Nanostructured metal- and ceramic-based materials: technologies, structures, properties
- Modern method of structural analysis in materials science
- Computer simulation of materials and Technologies
- Modelling and simulation in material science and mechanical engineering
- Condition monitoring and reliability inspection of materials and parts
- Micro- and nanoscale polymer composite materials
- Research work of students.
Graduates' fields of work
- Development and production of products from structural and functional inorganic (metallic and nonmetallic) and organic (polymeric and carbonic) materials; composites and hybrid materials; superhard materials; smart materials and nanomaterials, films and coatings;
- Testing and diagnostics, research and quality control of materials, films and coatings, semi-finished products, blanks, industrial products;
- Modeling the materials behavior, assessment and prediction of their performance characteristics of industrial products;
- Development and observation of technological processes of production, processing and modification of materials and coatings, parts and products;
- Development of normative and technical documentation and certification system of materials and products, technological processes of their production and processing; Reporting documentation, records and protocols of the course and results of experiments, safety and health documentation.
Informational booklet «Materials science and design»
Contact information
Program administrator: Maria S. Petyukevich
Russia, Tomsk, 2, Lenina Av.,
Building № 10, office: 039
The School of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
Telephone 8 382-260-61-65
Email: petukevich@tpu.ru
International student department
Russia, Tomsk, 4a, Usova street, Building № 19, office: 419, 420, 432
Telephone 8 382-260-6476, 8-382-256-3296
Email: omrs@tpu.ru
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