High quality products are the basis for the company's success in any field of activity. In the modern world, solving this issue is impossible without qualified quality management professionals.
Training program:
- Quality Management in Production and Technological Systems, managed by Inna Vasilyevna Plotnikova, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Control and Diagnostics Department: +7 (3822) 701777 x 2770, Building No. 18, office 304, inna@tpu.ru.
Graduates are able to develop, implement and support modern systems of product quality management, production and management processes in organizations of all types.
They have deep knowledge and skills in audit, technical systems reliability, economics and security management, business process modeling. The know how to involve employees in continuous quality improvement activities.
Knowledge, skills and abilities
You will learn to:
- organize material and information flows in manufacturing and the provision of services;
- investigate manufacturing processes in order to identify productive actions and losses;
- develop effective methods and means of control over technological processes;
- conduct research to improve the quality of products and processes using statistical quality control methods.
What else you need to know
- graduates are in demand in various fields of industry, as well as in consulting companies that certify quality management systems, integrated management systems;
- graduate students have an opportunity to obtain a double diploma – TPU and Czech Technical University.