Philosophy, Ethics and Religion Studies
Scientific supervisor: I.B. Ardashkin
Research topics: Terminological planning process in modern society: social and philosophical approach
Scientific supervisor: I.V. Brylina
Research topics: Education of the future: transition to educational ecosystems.
Transition ways to a new educational model and the role of universities
Management of sustainable development of society
Conceptual model of noospheric knowledge.
Scientific supervisor: M.V. Goncharenko
Research topics: Logical and philosophical analysis of the pragmatics of language (analysis of the indeterminacy of translation concept by Willard Quine).
Philosophical analysis of phenomenological and analytical attitudes in the understanding of meaning through the lens of the philosophy of science of the 20th – 21st centuries.
Analysis of a priori knowledge and semantic conventionalism
Scientific supervisor: N.A. Kolodiy
Research topics: The philosophy of an anthropocentric smart city: rethinking contemporary social and spatial development
Social anthropology of the digital city
Assembling the city: philosophical and cultural refocusing
City: from Essentialism to Constructionism
Scientific supervisor: O.T. Loyko
Research topics: Language as a phenomenon of cultural memory
Archetypes of cultural memory
Scientific supervisor: N.A. Lukyanova
Research topics: Cognitive semiotics
Philosophy of communication
Social constructivism