Education and Pedagogical Sciences
Scientific supervisor: L.V. Kapilevich
Research topics: Training and competitive process in cybersport
Scientific supervisor: N.A. Kachalov
Research topics: Professionally-oriented foreign language and culture teaching
Professional training for translators
Learning techniques for a second foreign language acquisition
Modern approaches and novel technologies for teaching foreign languages in various types of educational institutions
Scientific supervisor: V.M. Rostovtseva
Research topics: Formation of new competencies through a student course
Improving teaching methods for certain types of language skills using new educational technologies
Scientific supervisor: T.V. Sidorenko
Research topics: Methods of integrated subject and language teaching (technical university).
Special aspects of adult education (professional development programs aimed at training teachers working in the multilingual environment).
Methods for developing academic writing skills for senior students of a technical university
Teaching methods in technical translation for postgraduate students of technical disciplines