Professionals in the field of geoecology, nature management and environment protection
Program Overview
Environmental problems have become an integral part of our lives, so the need for professionals in this area is constantly growing. You will learn how to assess the impact of production activities on the environment, including those related to exploration of mineral resources, extraction and processing of minerals, development of science-intensive and energy-intensive industries. You will be able to make decisions aimed to minimize the negative human impact on the environment, as well as to make environmental audits and certification.
Bachelors in Ecology and Nature Management are trained to participate in field expeditions, to work in laboratories, computing centers, departments of natural resources while conducting research and doing environmental work.
Skills and Competences
- understand the processes in nature and technosphere
- carry out chemical analysis, selection and analysis of geological and biological samples, identify and describe biological diversity
- take and analyze samples of harmful emissions into the environment, carry out geochemical studies
- process industrial, field and laboratory environmental information, develop environmental and technogenic databases
- collect, process, systematize information, develop databases of environmental pollution
- assess the impact on the environment, identify the sources, types and extent of technogenic impact
- speak a professional foreign language for work in an international research team
Employment Opportunities
- TomskNIPIneft Company
- Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems of the Siberian Branch of the RAS (Tomsk)
- JSC SOE Rosenergoatom – Rosatom (Voronezh)
- Altai Regional Institute of Ecology and Natural Management
- Oil pimping station Molchanovo (Tomsk region)
- Gazprom Kyrgyzstan
- Ecolux Company (Kazan)
- OJSC South-Kuzbass
- Sorsk FeMo Plant LLC (Republic of Khakassia)
- Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology (Kazakhstan)
- North-West Interregional Scientific and Practical Center of the Institute of Applied Ecology and Hygiene (St. Petersburg)
- Research Institute RN-UfaNIPIneft LLC
- Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing in the Tomsk Region
- Tomskneftekhim LLC
- Committee for Environmental Protection and Nature Management of the Tomsk Region
Educational programs