Tomsk Polytechnic University

Technological Machines and Equipment

Bachelor’s Degree
20 budget places
2 paid places
  • Personnel responsible for machinery and equipment operating at the facilities of the oil and gas industry.

Program Overview

Extraction, processing and transportation of oil and gas require the use of specialized machinery and equipment. The way they are maintained influences the safety of the environment, the life and health of personnel, and the economic profit of the enterprise.

Highly qualified engineers are in demand by the oil and gas industry, as they can reliably assess the safety margin of equipment, ensure the prevention of breakdowns and prompt repairs.

Students enrolled in the program receive in-depth theoretical knowledge about oil and gas production and processing, master software products for the diagnosis of structures and mechanisms using 3D-modeling. Leading enterprises in the industry attract the most promising students first as trainees and later as full-time employees.

Internship and Employment Opportunities

  • Gazprom
  • Rosneft
  • Transneft-Central Siberia 
  • Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk 
  • Imperial Energy
  • Surgutneftegas Company
  • SIBUR Holding
  • Vostokgazprom 
  • Tomsknipineft
  • Rusenergo

Skills and Competences

  • apply modern operating and repair techniques to oil and gas machinery, equipment and structures 
  • assess the durability or residual life of structures and predict the level of their operational reliability
  • use modern techniques to diagnose dynamic, hydraulic and thermodynamic characteristics of oil and gas equipment 
  • use software products (CAD/FEA/CFD/CAE) to predict and assess the life cycle of a product, create complex geometric 3D models, perform strength numerical calculations 

Educational programs

Machinery and Equipment for the Oil and Gas Industry

ISHPR Full-time