- Mechatronics and robotics engineers design robots and robotic systems.
Program Overview
Mechatronics and robotics are the profession of the future. Today, on average, there are more than 80 industrial robots per 10 thousand employees in the world, and in the most ‘robotic’ countries like South Korea there are over 700. And their number is growing every year. Therefore, the industry desperately needs professionals who can create robots enabling to automate production.
With this program, you will learn how to design robotic systems using artificial intelligence and machine learning for industry, science and the military space industry. During your studies, you will practice in modern TPU laboratories established in partnership with leading companies – KUKA and Schneider Electric.
Internship Opportunities
- Tomsk Vakhrushev Electromechanical Plant
- Sibelectromotor, Tomsk
- Miniature Bearings Factory, Tomsk
- Institute of Electronic Systems, Tomsk
- Polus Research and Production Center, Tomsk
- Manotom-TMZ, Tomsk
- Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk
- SME Tomsk Electronic Company
- Tomsknipineft
- Russian State Scientific Center for Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, Saint Petersburg
- MOTORICA, Moscow
Skills and Competences
- design blocks and devices integrated in mechatronic and robotic systems, control, information-sensor and executive subsystems and mechatronic modules
- develop software for system design, design of mechatronic modules, control and information processing
- test the components of a prototype product in line with specified programs and methods
- prepare a feasibility study for projects of mechatronic and robotic systems, their separate subsystems and modules
- analyze projects to provide a rationale for their technological feasibility
- Employment Opportunities
- Tomsk Vakhrushev Electromechanical Plant
- Sibelectromotor, Tomsk
- Miniature Bearings Factory, Tomsk
- Institute of Electronic Systems, Tomsk
- Polus Research and Production Center, Tomsk
- Manotom-TMZ, Tomsk
- Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk
- SME Tomsk Electronic Company
- Tomsknipineft
- Russian State Scientific Center for Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, Saint Petersburg
- V. V. Khartov, Deputy General Director of Central Research Institute for Machine Building, one of the general designers of the Roscosmos state corporation
- M.G. Retz, Director of SE Technotron (Tomsk)
- N.I. Kuzmenko, Mayor of Seversk, Tomsk region
- V.V. Chetverikov, General Director of Rosneft – STC
- M.M. Kostyrev, Technical Director at EleSy Company, Tomsk
- A.I. Ryumkin, Director of NPO Sibgeoinformatics, Tomsk
- V.I. Krivovyaz, Director of Provancal product company, Tomsk
Educational programs