Tomsk Polytechnic University

Technosphere Safety

Bachelor’s Degree
98 budget places
50 paid places

Specialists in the sphere of protection of population and economic objects in emergency situations

Program Overview

Technosphere is an environment where modern people live. This environment includes technical and technogenic objects (buildings, roads, mechanisms). Technosphere and the objects inside it can be dangerous both for population and for the natural environment (e.g., emergency situations at large enterprises can cause environmental or man-made disasters). Technosphere safety professionals are in demand in all industries. They ensure human safety in the modern world, minimize the technogenic impact on the natural environment, preserve the life and health of people through the use of modern technical means, control and forecasting methods.

The state pays special attention to labor protection at enterprise and environmental protection, therefore the demand for such professionals exceeds the supply. The graduates of the program in a short period of time occupy leading positions.

Internship Opportunities

  • Committee for Civil Defense and Emergencies of the Tomsk Region
  • Directorate General of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters of the Tomsk Region
  • Search and Rescue Service of the Tomsk Region
  • Gazpromtransgas
  • Ekoprombesopasnost (Tomsk)
  • Sibnefteproduct (Tomsk)
  • Directorate for Emergencies of the Seversk City Administration 
  • Seversk branch the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Emergency and Technical Center of the Minatom of Russia”
  • Tomsky Division Administration
  • Federal Public Institution 13th Crew for Fire Service in the Kemerovo Region
  • Safety and Rescue Service of the Sakha Republic (Yakutsk)
  • Управление чрезвычайных ситуаций г. Семей (Kazakhstan)
  • Division for Emergencies of the city of Semey (Kazakhstan) 

Skills and Competences 

  • Safety and risk-based thinking, in which safety and preservation of the environment are considered as the most important priorities in life and work
  • Understanding of the prospects for the development of safety technologies for protection of population and the natural environment against technological and environmental dangers
  • Application of methods and systems for ensuring technosphere safety, devices, systems and methods for protection of population and the natural environment
  • Analysis of the mechanisms of dangers that have impact on population, determination the nature of the interaction of the human body with dangers, accounting the toxic effect of harmful substances, energy exposure and the combined action of harmful factors

Employment Opportunities

  • Directorate General of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters 
  • Fire departments
  • Safety and rescue services
  • State public bodies for civil defence and emergencies
  • Committee for Civil Defence and Emergencies of the Tomsk Region
  • Industrial and ecological safety services, occupational safety services, and civil defence and emergencies services at enterprises such as Gazproneft-Vostok, Gazprom Transgas Tomsk, Sibnefteproduct, Tomskneftekhim SIBUR etc.


  • Shramov D.M. — Deputy Head, Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources of the Tomsk Region
  • Ponomarev А.А. — State Inspector, Committee for Civil Defence and Emergencies of the Tomsk Region
  • Dolgovykh К.S. — Deputy Chief, Tomsk Regional Search and Rescue Service

Educational programs

Environmental Safety in the Oil and Gas Industry

ISHPR Full-time