Bachelor’s Degree
130 budget places
80 paid places
- Experts in the construction and repair of facilities in the oil and gas industry, oil and gas production and storage, pipeline maintenance, design and operation of equipment for the production and transportation of oil and gas.
Program Overview
The Construction and Operation of Technical Facilities in Petroleum Industry program will empower you with knowledge and skills in the field of operation of gas and oil pipelines, pumping and compressor stations, pipelines and storage facilities, or in the development and repair of equipment (subject to the profile).
Within the Development and Operation of Oil and Gas Fields program students learn to design and operate fields. Those who choose Drilling of Oil and Gas Wells program will design, build and repair wells, master the drilling and geosteering equipment and technologies.
Internship Opportunities
- Gazprom
- Rosneft
- Transneft-Central Siberia
- Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk
- RN-KrasnoyarskNIPIneft
- Surgutneftegas Company
- Vostokgazprom
- Tomskneft VNK
- Tomsknipineft
- OOO LUKOIL-West Siberia
- PJSC Slavneft-Megionneftegaz
- Siberian Service Company
- Neftepromburservice, Tomsk
Skills and Competences
- carry out and correct technological processes during the construction, repair and operation of wells, transportation and storage of hydrocarbon
- operate, maintain, repair equipment for the construction, repair, reconstruction and rehabilitation of oil and gas wells, oil and gas production, collection and preparation of well products, transportation and storage
- participate in the research of technological processes, improvement and testing of technological equipment and reconstruction of production
- solve technical tasks to prevent and eliminate complications and emergencies at oil and gas wells, during oil and gas production, collection and preparation of well products, transit and storage of hydrocarbons
Employment Opportunities
- Gazprom
- Rosneft
- Transneft-Central Siberia
- Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk
- RN-KrasnoyarskNIPIneft
- Surgutneftegas Company
- Vostokgazprom
- Tomskneft VNK
- Tomsknipineft
- OOO LUKOIL-West Siberia
- PJSC Slavneft-Megionneftegaz
- Siberian Service Company
- Neftepromburservice, Tomsk
- Schlumberger
- Baker Hughes
- ExxonMobil
- Sakhalin Energy
- M.A. Cherevko, General Director of OJSC Slavneft-Megionneftegaz
- A.A. Vashkevich, Director of Technological Development of Gazprom Neft, General Director of Gazpromneft STC
- S.A. Cherevko, Director of Drilling Division, Production Directorate, Gazprom Neft
- A.A. Semkin, Head of Drilling Department, Gazpromneft STC
- A.R. Sarvarov, General Director of Gazpromneft-Razvitie
- A.N. Kuzev, Member of the Board of Directors, Jupiter Energy PTE LTD