Tomsk Polytechnic University

Cadastre and Land Management

Bachelor’s Degree
25 budget places
1 paid place
  • Experts in Land Management and Inventory 


Program Overview

Land management students master the legality of using land resources, cadastral employees arrange data on land plots, establish their boundaries, settle disputes, draw up land surveying plans.

Our graduates work as cadastral engineers, surveying engineers, land surveyors, production managers, experts, managers, government and municipal employees. They are able to solve tasks related to maintaining the Unified State Register of Real Estate, state control, land and environmental protection. They can implement pre-project planning and topographic activities, cadastral valuation of land plots and other real estate objects.


Skills and Competences

  • apply legal, economic and administrative provisions of land and property relations, norms and rules of civil, labor, land, administrative, natural resource law
  • apply modern means and methods to improve safety, environmental friendliness and sustainability of land management
  • do research in the field of land management and inventory


Internship and Employment Opportunities

  • Department of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography in the Tomsk Region
  • Federal Cadastral Chamber of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography, Tomsk
  • Committee for Environmental Protection and Nature Management of the Tomsk Region
  • Geodesist, Tomsk
  • Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Tomsk City Administration
  • Geomix, Tomsk 
  • Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Tomsk Region 
  • OOO Land and Real Estate , Tomsk
  • Your Partner land registry, Tomsk 
  • IndorSoft, Tomsk
  • Tomsknipineft
  • Tomsk Engineering Company 
  • Tomskneft 



  • I.S. Peremitin, Director of Your Partner company, Tomsk

Educational programs