- Specialists in applied geology for the prospecting, research and exploration, development of solid, liquid and mineral deposits.
Program Overview
The students are involved into research activities and implement projects on the development of advanced technology, operating the innovative facilities of TPU and partner organizations including Tomsk Oil and Gas Research and Design Institute, Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, the resident companies of Tomsk Technology Innovative SEZ.
The training is focused on the geological hazard evaluation and the identification of potential fields of mineral reserves. The students are trained to solve the problems of land development including mineral reserve base. Recent graduates are demanded in mining companies, oil and gas fields, etc. They also have an opportunity to start their research career. The training profiles include the Geological Surveying, Research and Exploration of Solid Mineral Deposits, the Ground Water Exploration and Geological Engineering Surveys, the Oil and Gaz Geology.
Internship Opportunities
- Rosneft
- Polus Research and Production Center, Tomsk
- ALROSA Diamond Mining Company
- SIAM Oilfield Service Company, Tomsk
- Geosphera, Tomsk
- Tomskgiprotrans Design and Survey Institute
- TomskTISIZ Engineering Survey Company
- Zapsibgeolsjemka
- Belon Geologia, Kemerovo region
- Amakinskaya Geological Survey Expedition, ALROSA
- Almaty Volkovgeologia
- Polymetal
Skills and Competences
- mapping and geological records
- the development of geological, genetic, forecast and search industrial models of mineral deposits as well as the geological engineering models of soil
- the testing of mineral deposits and bounded units, formations, water etc., under different environment, at different stages of study and exploration
- the advanced methods of design and prospecting survey, industrial geological deposit evaluation
- the advanced methods of matter research, numerical simulation and computer technology to solve professional problems
Employment Opportunities
- Rosneft
- Tomskneft East Oil Company
- Polus Research and Production Center, Tomsk
- Geosphera, Tomsk
- Oleg Shachkov, Director General of TomskTISIZ Engineering Survey Company
- Valery Sakharov, Director of Geotechnica LLC
- Natalia Osmushkina, Director of Neryungristroyizyskaniya LLC
Educational programs

Geology of Oil and Gas