Specialist Degree
30 budget places
28 paid places
- Specialists in geophysics for the sectors of geological survey, exploration and mineral extraction
Program Overview
Geophysics engineers are the most universal and demanded specialists in geological sector. The program is primarily aimed at Oil and Gas industry, however, the program graduates are also employed in mining, engineering geology and archaeology as well. Moreover, the generality and universality of physical laws provide the opportunity for graduates to work worldwide without long retraining and solve both applied and fundamental geological and geophysical problems.
The engineering staff of geophysical companies in Siberia, Transbaikal and Far East mostly consists of the geophysicists graduated from TPU.
Internship Opportunities
- Integra Geophysics, Tyumen
- TomskGazpromGeophysica
- Yakutsgeologia
- Nizhnevartovsk Neftegeophysica
- Surgutneftegaz
- Surgutneftegeophysica
- Geosphera, Tomsk
- Russian Geological Research Institute, Norilsk Branch
- Tomskgiprotrans
- Kostroma Geophysica
- Boguchansk Geophysical Surveying Company
- NorilskGeoplogia
- Dalgeophysica, Khabarovsk
- Krasnoyarsk Geolsjemka
Skills and Competences
- design and carry out geophysical operations of any level of complexity
- conduct research in the sphere of geology and geophysics
- interpret geophysical data provided with any geophysical methods
Employment Opportunities
- Orenburg Geophysical Survey
- Sberian Research nstitute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Resources
- Bugulma TNG Group
- PIRS Oil and Gas Objects Engineering Design Institute, Omsk
- Almaty Volkov Geoplogia
- Magadan Serebro
- Tyumen Promgeophysica
- REGIS Research and Production
- Novosibirsk Sibgeotech
- NEDRA Research and Analysis
- Surgutneftegaz
- GazpromGeoresource
- Kazpromgeophysica
- Vilyusk Geological Survey Company
- Tomsk Oil and Gas Research and Design Institute
- Tomsk Gazpromgeophysica
- E. Kropp, Director General of DALMORNEFTEGEOPHYSICA, the biggest marine geophysical company in Russia
- R. Alimbekov, Director General of South Kuzbass Geological Survey
- A. Komarov, Head of Territorial Agency for Subsurface Resource Management, Tomsk Region
- M. Malyarenko, Chairman of Malca Oil AB Central Asia Gold
- V. Biketov, Director General of Tomsk Geophysics Trust
- P. Kazantsev, Executive Officer of Tomsk Gazpromgeophysica
- A. Bereza, Chief Engineer of Tomsk Gazpromgeophysica
- G. Silkin, Director of Tomsk Geophysics Company, GeoPrime Branch
- S. Antanaytis, Director General of Nizhnevartovsk Neftegeophysica LLC
- F. Lazarev, Director of Russian Geological Research Institute, Norilsk Branch
- A. Tchupin, Director of Sibpromgeophysica LLC
- I. Goncharov,Vice President for Oil and Gas Extraction, KazMunayGaz, Chairman of RD KMG
- A. Asanov, Chief Engineer of Fyodorovsk Geophysics Survey Management, Surgut Neftegeophysca Trust
Educational programs