- Technological entrepreneurs able to organize their own and capture value for existing businesses, separate in-house lines of business, as well as managers in various fields.
Program Overview
Innovation studies is a promising area for running innovations in commercial and non-commercial areas. Through this program, you will receive both deep engineering knowledge and entrepreneurial competencies. You will explore the way scientific and technological solutions are transformed into new technologies. Learn to analyze the relevance and viability of business projects, come up with ways to promote them and find sources of funding. With the knowledge acquired, you can launch your own startup.
After graduation, the students will be able to develop technological strategies for companies, work in marketing, innovation centers, government agencies and establish their own profit-making companies.
Internship Opportunities
- Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk
- Tomsk Construction Company
- LAMA retail food store chain, Tomsk
- Tomsk Region Administration
- Topkinsky Cement
- Kemvod, Kemerovo
- Center of Cluster Development of Tomsk Region
- Tomlesdrev
- Gazpromneft-Vostok, Tomsk
- Harmony of Health, Tomsk
- Mikran, Tomsk
- SAVA Tomsk product company
- Tomskneftekhim
- Tomsk Cable Plant
- Special Economic Zones of Technology-innovative Type in Tomsk. Center for Innovation and Technology
- Gazservice, Tomsk
- Tomsk brewery
Skills and Competences
- run your own technology business
- implement and run projects in different areas
- make up high-performing teams
- take flexible decisions in rapidly changing scenarios
Employment Opportunities
- Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk
- Russian Venture Company
- Center of Cluster Development of Tomsk Region
- Tomsk Region Administration
- SberBank
- Mikran, Tomsk
- Tomskneftekhim
- LAMA Retail Food Store Chain, Tomsk
- Palex (Томск)
- Tomsk Vakhrushev Electromechanical Plant
- Gazpromneft-Vostok, Tomsk
- Tomlesdrev, Tomsk
- KDV Group
- Rostec
- EleSy, Tomsk
- Altair, Tomsk
- Rosnefteproduct
- Polus Research and Production Center, Tomsk
- Siberian Agrarian Group
- Graduates are founders of their own companies
- V.M. Kizeev, member of the Board of the SOVNET Association, Director of the WIN corp group of companies, Head of the Council for Innovation Activities of the Association for Engineering Education of Russia
- A.M. Bagreev, Director of LLC Derevenskoe Molochko
Educational programs