Professionals in the field of economic analysis.
Program Overview
We train the next generation of economists, who are ready to work in an environment of instability, fierce competition and the rapid development of digital technologies.
Students learn to analyze products & services, evaluate the economic efficiency of production processes and business projects. They master accounting, business and management accounting, financial reporting, marketing. They study mathematical and statistical tools, digital technologies for collecting and analyzing large amounts of data.
Students get acquainted with the best business practices, gain experience interacting with professional economists, managers, entrepreneurs. Graduates can present their graduation theses in the form of start-ups.
Internship Opportunities
- Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk
- Tomsk House-Building Company (TDSK)
- LAMA (Tomsk)
- Administration of the Tomsk region
- Center for Cluster Development of the Tomsk region
- Gazpromneft-Vostok
- Medical Center Garmoniya Zdoroviya (Tomsk)
- Mikran (Tomsk)
- SAVA (Tomsk)
- LLC Tomskneftekhim
- LLC Tomsk Сable Factory
- Special Economic Яone Tomsk
Skills and Competences
- analyze the economic situation at the enterprise, develop and implement measures to improve it
- make managerial decisions in a rapidly changing environment
- develop business plans, launch own entrepreneurial projects
- keep financial, accounting records, perform financial audit
- apply modern digital technologies for data analysis and processing
Employment Opportunities
- Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk
- Russian Venture Company (RVC)
- Center for Cluster Development of the Tomsk region
- Administration of the Tomsk region
- Sberbank
- Promsvyazbank
- Mikran (Tomsk)
- Tomskneftekhim LLC
- LAMA (Tomsk)
- Tomsk Vakhrushev Electromechanical Plant JSC (Tomsk)
- Gazpromneft-Vostok
- OJSC Tomlesdrev
- OJSC Tomsknefteproduct
- SIBAGRO Group (Tomsk)
- own companies
Arefiev P.V. — Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Bolshanina Yu.S. — Vice President, Tomsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Litvinova Maria — PhD (Candidate of Science), Northeastern University (Boston, USA)
Educational programs