Tomsk Polytechnic University

In today's world, making decisions in complex situations requires more than intuitive knowledge. There is a demand for specialists with knowledge of mathematics and computer science who are able to create mathematical models of processes in physics, economics, biology, chemistry, medicine and engineering.

Graduates of the Program are highly competitive in the labor market in Russia and other countries. Students have the opportunity to complete internships in leading foreign and Russian companies and scientific organizations, including CERN, Sberbank, Yandex. They can study or complete internships abroad following an individual plan, and participate in scientific research related to modeling of physical or economic processes.

Key competencies

Conduct basic and applied research in physics, biophysics, economics, and other fields based on deep physical and mathematical training;

Apply mathematical methods for forecasting and optimization of economic and financial state of enterprises, constructing optimal investment portfolio, forecasting exchange value of securities and risky assets, decision making under uncertainty, solving engineering and scientific problems, risk assessment;

Apply knowledge of financial mathematics and computer science in the field of big data, data processing and blockchain.

Facilities and Resources

Each student has individual unlimited access to the electronic information and educational environment of TPU, both on and off the TPU campus;

Classrooms are furnished with modern teaching aids and technical equipment;

Self-study spaces are equipped with computer equipment with access to the Internet and TPU electronic information and educational environment.

Internship options 

Tomsk Oblast Administration;

SIBUR IT (Tomsk);

Tomsk Generation;



World Bank (Washington, USA);

AKB Rosbank;



Alfa Capital Management Company;

Kadegis (Moscow);

Pricewaterhouse Coopers International Limited (Moscow);

St. Petersburg Electrotechnical Company;

Consultant (Tomsk);

Siam Master (Tomsk);



M. Moshenets, Social Media Manager at AirFrance (Prague, Czech Republic);

D. Yakovlev - International Monetary Fund (Washington, DC).