Tomsk Polytechnic University

Intelligent systems are among the priority areas of scientific development in the Russian Federation and are included in the list of critical technologies of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 7, 2011 No. 899.

The Program students will have a unique opportunity to study at two leading universities in the country, TPU and the St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI". During the first year, the master's students training will take place at Tomsk Polytechnic University. Here students will learn about commercialization of research and development results, modeling and optimization of systems, industrial software development process management, machine learning, parallel processing systems, neural networks and much more. During the second year, the training will take place at LETI in St. Petersburg. There, students will study automation technologies for software development processes, computer mathematics algorithms, data processing methods, unmanned vehicle algorithms, SLAM algorithms, as well as data analysis and interpretation.

The program authors include specialists from the Research Institute of Informatization, Automation and Communications in Railway Transport (a subsidiary of Russian Railways JSC).

Key competencies

  • Software development for mobile robots;
  • Development of data processing algorithms for autonomous transportation control;
  • Design of autonomous intelligent systems;
  • Development of algorithms and software tools for solving problems in the field of artificial intelligence.


Autonomous robots laboratory located in LETI, as well as computer classrooms equipped with modern computers with licensed software.

Internship opportunities

Practical training takes place in LETI and at St. Petersburg enterprises.