Tomsk Polytechnic University

The program aims to produce professionals in welding and non-destructive testing. 

By choosing this program, you will acquire both profound engineering knowledge and hands-on skills in the field of Welding Production and Non-Destructive Testing. In this program, you will learn the basics of fixed joints with the required quality criteria and stable operational properties. You will also learn to work out the main stages of the life cycle of industrial products. This knowledge will empower you to set up your own tech startup. 

Our graduates are capable of solving both process and technology and design and engineering challenges related to welding operations and non-destructive testing.

Facilities and resources

  • automated welding machine Mecome WP 1500
  • x-y table synchronized with plasma cutting machine
  • IN-5101A mechanical stress measuring device
  • digital high-speed video camera Fastec IL5LM4

In the course of training students will master more than 10 professional software systems, including SPRUT-TP, KOMPAS-3D, SOLIDWORKS and others.

Students are engaged in research, project and commercial activities conducted by the laboratories of additive technologies, robotics and welding production.

Key competencies

  • elaboration and application of optimal technologies for welding of products;
  • standardization and certification of products and technological processes;
  • use of information technologies in the development of new engineering products;
  • diagnostics of the state of equipment, technological processes, using modern analysis methods and tools;
  • teamwork and managerial decision-making competencies

Key advantages of the program

  • This unique program is a combination of Welding Production and Nondestructive Testing.
  • Reputable 'factory' of top-notch engineers with professional competencies in Welding and Nondestructive Testing.
  • Academic staff are practicing engineers specializing in welding production and nondestructive testing, repeated winners of all-Russian competitions: Engineer of the Year, Golden Names of Higher School, etc.

Internship opportunities

Paid internships at leading Russian enterprises of various sectors:

• Machine-Building Plant (PJSC MSZ, Elektrostal); 

• KAMAZ (Naberezhnye Chelny); 

• Surgutneftegas (Surgut); 

• Electrical Equipment Plant (Velikiye Luki); 

• Rosneftekomplekt LLC (Leninogorsk); 

• Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS (Novosibirsk); 

• RFNC-VNIITF named after E.I. Zababakhin (Snezhinsk); 

• SSC Zvezda (Bolshoi Kamen); 

• FSUE Oktyabr (Kamensk-Uralsky); 

• Azot (Kemerovo); 

• Chepetsk Mechanical Plant; 

• Anzheromash (Anzhero-Sudzhensk).

In total, there are more than 125 cooperation agreements with enterprises.


  • Sergey Sapozhkov, Director at Polytechnic Institute of Novgorod State University, Doctor of Technical Sciences.

  • Feliks Lekh, ch. welder at Greens Mining

  • Alexander Krasnobryzhev, technical director at Red October 

  • Sergey Folmer, head of the certification center at Kuzbass Welding and Control Center, Ph.D.

  • Dmitriy Popov, ch. engineer at Surgutneftegas

  • Graf, ch. welder at Rosneftekomplekt LLC.