Tomsk Polytechnic University

The master's degree program is designed for graduates with bachelor's degrees in engineering, physics and mathematics. The program trains leading IT specialists and senior IT staff ready for the digitalization of energy companies. 

The first year of the program is devoted to IT and technologies, and the second year is focused on specialization and project training, internships in high-tech partner companies of TPU’s School of Advanced Engineering.

Graduates are sought after as managers of digitalization projects in enterprises of the energy sector: technical or IT directors, project managers, managers of departments and groups in the field of digitalization of the energy sector.

Learn more about the program here.

Key competencies

  • applying systems analysis methods and practical IT tools to solve industry specific IT tasks
  • managing tools for development and integration of hardware and software systems, have skills in building information systems in the energy companies ecosystems
  • skills in DBMS design and administration applied to the tasks of energy companies
  • skills in using specialized software tools of energy companies
  • knowledge and skills in building digital models and twins of objects and business processes of energy companies
  • knowledge in the field of information security and ability to apply it to the production facilities of the energy sector

Program Features

Strong relationships with partner companies. They provide: 

  • Paid internships for students at partner companies;
  • Deep immersion in the challenges of energy digitalization and energy employment starting in the sophomore year;
  • 100% coverage of capstone topics with real industry cases from the digital energy sector.

Specialization in one of three industries is planned:

  • Electric Power (Rosseti Siberia, KuzbassenergoRES, TRK, System Operator of the United Power System, RusHydro)
  • Oil and Gas (Gazprom Neft STC, Gazprom VNIIGAZ, Gazprom Neft Energosystems)
  • Nuclear Power Engineering (TVEL, Proryv, Siberian Chemical Plant, Greenatom, Mining and Chemical Plant, RASU, Neolant).

Starting from the first year of the Master's program, students get acquainted with partner companies and begin to specialize in their chosen areas of IT. The skills acquired will allow the graduate to act not only as an analyst, designer and developer of information systems and technologies, but also as a project manager for their implementation in companies of the energy sector.

Classroom equipment

  • Computer classrooms are equipped with modern PCs with specialized software from educational program partners - power engineering companies.

  • The program includes using software and hardware complexes supplied by the program partners, which allow to create digital twins of power engineering objects.

  • A wide range of software allows to acquire all necessary skills associated with a full life cycle of software design, development and implementation.

Program graduates

  • Develop and implement intelligent information and management systems for fuel and energy enterprises;
  • Are able to perform complex tasks of digitalization of modern energy enterprises, and implement innovative IT solutions;
  • Analyze and model technological processes using IT tools;
  • Develop and implement software for solving applied and research tasks in the energy sector;
  • Create digital twins of processes and production facilities;
  • Manage complex projects at the intersection of information technologies and the energy sector;
  • Perform system optimization of information and management processes at the facilities of the fuel and energy complex of the Russian Federation.