Tomsk Polytechnic University

The main idea of the educational program on Digital Thermal Power Engineering in the Oil and Gas Industry is to train the new generation of specialists with multidisciplinary competencies capable of innovative team activities in the field of digital heat and power engineering in the oil and gas industry integrating education, science and production.

The Master's program is designed to meet the growing demand of oil and gas companies for highly qualified specialists in thermal power engineering. The main goal of the program is to create a set of related engineering competencies with the application of breakthrough digital technologies in thermal power plants of the oil and gas industry.

The program provides students with knowledge and experience in working with high-tech equipment and devices, as well as professional mastery of engineering software. Graduates of the program will have in-depth theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of design and operation of thermal power facilities in the oil and gas industry, as well as digital technology skills, which will allow them to occupy key positions in virtually all areas of the oil and gas industry.

Gazprom Neft is an industrial partner of the Master's program.

Key competences

  • Design and construction of heat power systems and their equipment using modern software (Siemens NX, KOMPAS-3D, ZULU), development of design and construction documentation;
  • Modeling of heat and power processes;
  • Practical skills in the field of installation and operation of heat power facilities of oil and gas industry;
  • Planning and organization of works on safe operation and repair of heat-mechanical equipment, units and systems;
  • Knowledge of the principles of thermal power systems management in the oil and gas industry.


Thermal and Nuclear Power Plant Technology Center with three laboratories:

  • Laboratory for research of thermohydraulic and gas-dynamic processes in equipment of thermal and nuclear power plants;

  • Laboratory for research of heat sources and future heat supply systems;

  • Laboratory of computer modeling of processes in TPP and NPP equipment.

  • Research Center Ecoenergetics 4.0;

  • Virtual laboratory complexes:

  • GTU site;

  • Automated Heat Station site;

  • Oil Heating Unit site;

  • HWO Operator site.

  • Simulators of thermal and nuclear power plants:

  • CCPP-410 MW unit simulator;

  • CCPP-450 MW power unit simulator;

  • 210 MW power unit simulator;

  • Analytical simulator of BN-800 reactor;

  • Analytical simulator of the VVER-1000 reactor.

Internship opportunities

What makes this program unique is having Gazpromneft as an industrial partner which is represented by three subsidiaries:

Gazpromneft Energosystems Ltd;

LLC Energoneft Tomsk;

LLC Megionenergoneft.

Students have the opportunity to work in the companies from the very first days of the Master's program, practicing in real facilities, mostly on a rotating basis.


Program manager

Zaytsev Aleksandr Sergeevich

Associate Professor , craft worker

Building № 4, office 234

+7 (3822) 701777 ext. 1638