15.03.04 Automation of Technological Processes and Productions

The education program is designed to train professionals in the automation of technological processes and production.
Our graduates are equipped with knowledge and skills required for production and process, organizational and managerial, research and development and servicing and operating activities.
In line with the major "Automation of technological processes and production», our graduates will be capable of functioning across this range of activities at enterprises of various sectors involved in the development, implementation, operation and maintenance of automated control systems.
Our graduates are in great demand on the labor market not only in Russia, but also internationally. A bachelor's degree graduate can start a successful career at enterprises and design organizations within instrumentation and control departments, automation and information technology departments or continue their studies at TPU Master's degree program in such programs as 15.04.04 Automation of Technological Processes and Production and 15.04.06 Mechatronics and Robotics.
Key competencies
- in-depth knowledge of modern methods and tools for designing and operating automated supervisory control systems for technological processes and production;
- professional competence in hardware and software of technological process control systems for various purposes;
- implementation of intelligent tools and automated systems in industrial operations of any type;
- solving design and implementation challenges for industrial network infrastructures;
- operation and upgrades of operator, shop and plant level software.
Learning Format
Students fall into two majors: 1) automation of technological processes and production 2) automation of technological processes and production in oil and gas.
Facilities and resources
There are four classrooms equipped with modern computers, a lecture hall with all relevant equipment, as well as the following laboratories available for student training:
Process Control Systems laboratory
Automation Fundamentals laboratory
Network and Distributed Computing in Automatic Process Control Systems laboratory
Cyberphysical Systems laboratory
Prosoft-Systems training center
Schneider Electric competence center
computer classrooms with modern equipment and software
The laboratories are fitted with state-of-the-art equipment, industrial controllers, both domestic and imported, modern control and measuring instruments, intelligent sensors, recording devices and laboratory benches (more than 10 benches).
Internship opportunities
Lukoil-Western Siberia;
Siberian Chemical Combine;
Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Tomsk;
Tomsk Electromechanical Plant named after V.V. Vakhrushev (TEMZ);
Tomsk Electronic Company Research and Production Enterprise;
Transneft-Western Siberia;
Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg;
Polyus Research and Production Center.
More information about studies at the Engineering School of Computer Science and Robotics, as well as about the programs see in live broadcast by Alexander Fadeev, Director of the School of Computer Science and Robotics.
Victor Khartov, Deputy General Director at FSUE TsNIIMASH, one of the general designers of Roscosmos State Corporation.
Anatoly Soloviev, General Manager at Katomsk
Viktor Osipov, Deputy General Director at Tomsk Bee
Mikhail Retz, Director at Tekhnotron (Tomsk)
Nikolay Kuzmenko, ex-Mayor of Seversk city
Vladimir Chetverikov, General Director at NK Rosneft-STC
Vladimir Krivovyaz, Director at Provansal (Tomsk)
See the review by our alumnus Sergey Mileshin in the video: