Tomsk Polytechnic University

Graduates of the program have interdisciplinary competence in the field of materials science with a focus on metallurgy and heat treatment of metals.

Trained specialists are able to effectively use products made of traditional construction materials, solve problems of their repair and restoration, and offer new promising materials taking into account import substitution and advanced technologies.

The main professional standard: 40.136 "Specialist in the field of development, support and integration of technological processes and production in the field of materials science and materials technology".

What is unique about this program is that it is highly relevant to a task of import substitution of a broad range of oil and gas engineering products (Order of Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia "On Approval of a Plan for Import Substitution in Oil and Gas Engineering Industry of Russia for Period up to 2024") and other areas of machine building.

Learn more about the program in the video:

Graduates of the program will be able to

  • Select structural materials, taking into account import substitution, for machine parts and technical structures of oil and gas production;
  • Determine chemical and phase composition, perform structural analysis and evaluate properties of structural materials;
  • Measure operational properties of machine parts and technical structures of oil and gas production;
  • Choose technological equipment and basic parameters for typical processes of thermal and chemical-thermal treatment and specify technological factors of such processes according to the analysis of structure and properties of hardened materials;
  • Determine the causes of deviations of operational properties of machine parts and technical structures from the specified parameters and take actions to eliminate them;
  • Analyze design documentation of machine and equipment parts and technical structures for oil and gas production, including those subjected to typical technological processes of thermal and chemical-thermal treatment;
  • Use application software for modeling of operating conditions of machine parts and technical structures;
  • Collect and analyze information on advanced local and world experience of repair and protection of surfaces of machine parts and equipment of oil and gas complex, as well as assign a set of actions for repair and protection of machine parts and technical structures of oil and gas production from external influences;
  • Determine the conditions for patentability of inventions, utility models and industrial designs. Check the processes under development for the presence of exclusive rights of third parties. Prepare technical documentation identifying the object of intellectual property.

Internship opportunities



  • OOO Gazprom Pererabotka Blagoveshchensk


  • JSC TomskNIPIneft

  • PK MION LLC (Tomsk)

  • OOO NPP TEK (Tomsk)

  • JSC TOMZEL (Tomsk)

  • JSC TEMZ named after V.V. Vakhrushev (Tomsk)


  • OOO RN-Remont NPO

  • PJSC Rosneft Oil Company

Employment opportunities

Graduates are engaged in the creation and management of integrated technological processes and productions in the field of materials science and technology.


Program manager

Kovalevskaya Zhanna Gennadjevna


Building № 16C, office 227

+7 (3822) 706351