05.04.01 Geology
Only a small percentage of the world's population has access to quality drinking water. At the same time, there are very few specialists who understand water resources from their origin to drinking water preparation. Graduates of the Master’s Program in Clear Water know almost everything there is to know about water.
Key competencies
- monitor of water bodies, water management systems and facilities
- develop and apply mathematical models of hydrological, hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical processes in water basins and underground aquifers
- analyze water composition, design water treatment systems for obtaining physiologically adequate water depending on the composition of the source wate
- ensure communication between industrial, agricultural and municipal enterprises and state water and nature management bodies
During the training the students use:
Equipment of the Research Laboratory for Hydrogeochemistry;
Computer classrooms with specialized software.
I.S. Ivanova - chief researcher of the Tomsk branch of A.A. Trofimuk Institute of Oil and Gas Geology and Geophysics of SB RAS;
A.A. Balobanenko - head of the department for state monitoring of groundwater pollution sites of the Siberian branch of FGBU Gidrospetsgeologiya.
Internship opportunities
- Tomskvodokanal;
- Institute of Oil and Gas Geology and Geophysics SB RAS;
- Siberian Regional Center of FGBU Gidrospetsgeologiya;
- Tomskgeomonitoring;
- Vatercom Group of Companies;
- Krymgeologiya.
Program manager
Pasechnik Elena Yurjevna
Lead Expert , associate professor