Tomsk Polytechnic University

Information Systems and Technology

Training program Mobile Applications and Virtual Reality

The market for mobile applications (including corporate applications) and virtual and augmented reality applications is one of the most dynamic in the IT sector. Graduates of the program are proficient in approaches, techniques and tools for designing, creating and maintaining mobile solutions and virtual reality applications.

Training programs:

Medical Information Systems and Telemedicine (jointly with Siberian State Medical University), managed by Alexey Anatoyevich Ponomarev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Information Technologies Department,+7 (3822) 606228, +7 (3822) 701777 x 2210, Building No. 10, office 112, а

 Knowledge, skills and abilities

You will be able to:

  • develop software for mobile, corporate, and internet-oriented information systems;
  • design and implement VR and AR applications, including those for the Smart City;
  • work with modern integration methods, technologies and tools of information and software systems.

What else you need to know

During the training, high-performance workstations with specialized equipment (mobile devices, VR helmets and sensors) are used.

  • Training program Medical Information Systems and Telemedicine (jointly with Siberian State Medical University)

The forecast of the computer services market development of the Higher School of Economics acknowledges the establishment of the new mass software segment — Telemedicine.

Specialists with competencies and knowledge at the intersection of medicine and information technology will be in high demand in the job market.

The program trains specialists of the management staff of medical and/or IT companies that develop, use or plan to use modern information technologies.

 Knowledge, skills and abilities

You will be able to:

  • develop and implement software components of medical IT systems;
  • manage software development processes;
  • use modern medical IT systems;
  • apply the telemedicine regulatory framework and standards for the transmission of medical data.

Educational programs

Digital Design and Multimedia Technologies

ISHITR Full-time