Professionals in the field design, construction, research and operation of electronic devices.
Program Overview
The program has two directions of study: Industrial Electronics and Electronic Engineering. You can participate in the creation of uncrewed vehicles, drones, satellites, medical devices, navigation systems on the ground, in the air and under water, and other high-tech devices.
From the first year of study, students are engaged in engineering activities and their own projects. We have created all the conditions for the implementation of ideas in the field of electronic equipment design. Our Mission Control Center will make it possible to realize dreams related to space engineering. The training is supported by Samsung Academy and National Instruments Company. The training corresponds to the professions of the future circuit engineer-programmer of analog and digital parts of electronic equipment and architect of electronic equipment and microelectromechanical systems.
Skills and Competences
- perform calculation and design of electronic devices, circuits and equipment
- take into account the development trends of electronics, measuring and computing technology, information technology
- develop project and technical documentation, to do completed design work
- establish, test, check the performance of measuring, diagnostic, technological equipment for solving scientific, technical, technological and production problems in the field of electronics and nanoelectronics
- participate in installation, testing and commissioning of prototypes of materials and electronic products
Employment Opportunities
- Roskosmos
- Rosatom
- Rostec
- Gazprom
- Enterprises of the Ministry of Defense
- United Aircraft Corporation
- Russian Academy of Sciences
- Foreign companies in the field of electronics and microprocessor technology
- Zhdaneev O.V. — Head, Competence Center for Technological Development of the Fuel and Energy Complex of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Russian Energy Agency of the Ministry of Energy of Russia
- Monastyrev E.A. — General Director, JSC Scientific-Research Institute of Semiconductor Devices (Tomsk)
- Zykov S.V. — Head, Department of Ultrasound Equipment and Clinical Systems, Service Department Eastern Russia General Electric Company (Novosibirsk)
- Shinyakov Yu.A. — Director, Research Institute of Space Technology (Tomsk)
- Gavrilov A.D. — Head, Smolensk Military Academy of the military air defense of the Russian Armed Forces, named after A.M. Vasilevsky, Marshal of the Soviet Union (Smolensk), Lieutenant General
- Shutin A.A. — General Director, STELS Company (Tomsk)
- Feshukov A.N. — General Director, RPC TomInductor LLC
- Shulgin E.M. — Deputy General Director, OJSC POLYUS (Tomsk)
Educational programs