Tomsk Polytechnic University

We produce highly competitive professionals in research, development, production and operation of electronic devices, systems and technologies for aerospace, oil and gas, telecommunications, electronics and nuclear industries, as well as military and industrial sector and research institutions.

Applied Electronics is a multi-track educational program, giving each student the opportunity to choose their own learning path and the field of electronics they want to pursue.

Industrial Electronics track: a graduate of this track specializes in power electronics and microprocessor control systems. His/her future profession is Circuit Designer-Developer of Analog and Digital Electronic Modules.

Electronics Engineering track: a graduate of this track is a world-changing engineer driven by the motto 'From idea to implementation'. Equipped with the knowledge in engineering, designing and programming of smart electronics, they create new devices, systems and launch startup projects. Their future profession is Electronic Hardware Architect.

Electronics for Automation in Oil and Gas track: a graduate of this track is an electronic engineer who knows all about automation and design of electronics for smart manufacturing, and translates his knowledge into practice at all stages of the oil and gas industry lifecycle. His future profession is Smart Production Designer.

Embedded Systems Programming track: a graduate of the track is an expert in embedded software development based on microprocessors, microcontrollers and microcomputers for industrial manufacturing, communications and entertainment, smart cities and smart homes, automotive and aerospace. His future profession is Embedded Developer.

All our students, along with the diploma of higher education, after their second year of study acquire an additional qualification 'Radio-electronic equipment technician', which is an advantage for employment.

Why TPU? TPU ranks 1st in power engineering, electrical engineering and electronics in the RAEX subject ranking among Russian universities.

 Key competencies

  • elaborate requirements, design and program microprocessor equipment, embedded systems, electronic automation tools;
  • design electronic devices, circuits and devices for various purposes with the use of state-of-the-art computer-aided design systems;
  • set up, test, inspect the functionality of measuring, diagnostic, technological equipment for the solution of production, process, R&D challenges related to electronics and nanoelectronics;
  • draft design and engineering documentation, finalize completed design and engineering projects;
  • participate in installation, testing and commissioning of prototypes of electronic equipment.

Facilities and resources

  • NI ELVIS III electronics engineering laboratory suites;

  • Moku: Go engineering laboratory platforms;

  • Pitsco TETRIX PRIME and Dobot platforms for robotics and mechatronics projects;

  • PXI modular instruments (oscilloscopes, generators, power supplies, etc.);

  • SIEMENS and ICP DAS industrial controllers for automation systems and the Internet of Things;

  • debugging kits of microcontrollers and FPGAs (STMicroelectronics, Xilinx, JSC PKK Milandr, etc.);

  • all-purpose platforms for the Internet of Things such as NI myRIO, Raspberry Pi, ESP32 and others;

  • local clean room for studying micro and nano electromechanical devices.

Internship opportunities

- in the city of Tomsk:

  • NPP TEK;

  • NIIPP;

  • Polyus;

  • Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk;

  • Manotom;

  • Micran;

  • EleSy;

  • Tomskaya Generatsiya;

  • TEMZ;

  • Murom Machine-Building Plant (Tomsk branch);

  • LEMZ-T;

  • Mechatronics-Pro;

  • STELS;

  • Institute of High Current Electronics SB RAS;

  • V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS.

- in other cities of Russia:

  • Huawei, Moscow;

  • E. S. Yalamov Ural Optical and Mechanical Plant, Moscow;

  • Dilsys Electronics, St. Petersburg;

  • Geoscan, St. Petersburg;

  • MINITECH, St. Petersburg;

  • Energia, Korolev;

  • Milandr, Moscow;

  • RN-Vankor-Rosneft, Krasnoyarsk;

  • Reshetnev ISS, Zheleznogorsk;

  • FSUE RFNC-VNIITF, Snezhinsk;

  • NCTO LLC, Nizhnevartovsk;

  • Novosibirsk Semiconductor Devices Plant Vostok, Novosibirsk;

  • SibKontakt, Novosibirsk;

  • NPO Electromechanics, Miass;

  • Electric Plants Energomera, Stavropol;

  • IRZ, Izhevsk.

- international companies:

  • Institute of Physics of Jilin University (China);

  • Jingzhong Energy Saving Company (China);

  • Guangdong Xihu (China).


  • Alexander Medvedev, General Director of Drilling Equipment Plant (Orenburg);

  • Vasily Belyankov, General Director of TD Novokhim (Tomsk);

  • Evgeny Belonogov, Director of Technologiya (Tomsk);

  • Yury Alkhimov, Director of NPK Introscopy (Tomsk);

  • Mikhail Mudrov, General Director of Technical Regulations and Industrial Safety (TRiPB) (Tomsk).