Bachelor’s Degree
48 budget places
23 paid places
- Specialists for the sectors of electrical instruments manufacturing and electronic and optical equipment production, the development, introduction and application of instruments, quality assurance and diagnostics, data management engineering and technology as well as for the oil and gas extraction, refining and transport.
Program Overview
The students gain knowledge and skills in the field of technical monitoring and diagnostics using the methods of non-destructive testing, data conversion and processing, development, production technology, instrumentation and control tools, systems and facilities. They study the element base of monitoring and measurement technology, develop skills in software, computing and data measurement in instrument engineering.
Internship Opportunities
- SME Tomsk Electronic Company
- Tomsk Instrumental Plant
- Polus Research and Production Center, Tomsk
- Regional Certification Center for the Non-Destructive Testing Specialists, Tomsk
- Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk
Skills and Competences
- arrangement and management of object monitoring and diagnostics
- design of technological processes and documentation for the production, assembling and control of monitoring and measurement instruments and systems
- arrangement and management of quality control at all stages of production, after-sales and object maintenance
- operation, diagnostics and maintenance of monitoring and measurement instruments and tools
- design and modeling of monitoring and measurement instruments and systems in accordance with the terms of references
Employment Opportunities
- Polus Research and Production Center, Tomsk
- Regional Certification Center for the Non-Destructive Testing Specialists, Tomsk
- Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk
Alexandr Medvedev – Director General of ZBO Drill Industries, Inc., Orenburg
Educational programs