13.03.02 Electrical Engineering and Electric Power

The unified energy system of Russia comprises more than 770 power plants and 12,000 substations. Its capacity is commensurate with the capacity of the planet's geophysical processes and its size is comparable to the size of continents.
For almost 100 years, graduates of Tomsk school of power engineering have been delivering a worthy contribution to the world's most advanced power facilities management system. With a degree in Electric Power Systems Management, you will be qualified to work at any power plant or substation in Russia, in R&D centers and dispatch offices, choose a career in leading companies or start your own business.
It takes a lot of dedication to become a power engineer. Our students are always supported in both academic and everyday matters. If necessary, our experienced teachers can offer additional classes to fill in any gaps in knowledge. Students have a wide range of opportunities: to learn several foreign languages, to play sports, to study abroad as an exchange student.
Students of the new multi-track program Electric Power Systems Management can choose among four educational tracks: Automated Control of Electric Power Facilities, Electric Power Supply, Electric Power Systems and Networks, or High Voltage Electric Power and Electrical Engineering.
Key competencies
- knowledge of electric power system operation methods, selection of optimal operation modes
- use of modern information technologies to address power engineering challenges
- mastery of modern methods and tools for electrical equipment testing and diagnostics
- design of emergency systems for power generation, transmission and distribution facilities
- command of several foreign languages
Facilities and resources
VR & AR Laboratory
High Temperature Superconductivity Laboratory
Research Laboratory of Energy Efficient Technologies
Innovative Research and Training Laboratory of Cable Technology
Electric Circuits Theory Training Laboratory
Electric Machines Laboratory
Introduction to Electric Power Engineering Training Laboratory
Hybrid Autonomous Power Supply Systems Training and Research Laboratory
Relay Protection and Automation Training Laboratory
Electric Power Systems Operation Laboratory
Internship opportunities
SVEL Group
NPO St. Petersburg Electrotechnical Company
Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk
Atomtekhenergo, Kalininatomtekhenergo branch
Inter RAO-Electrogeneration (Gusinoozerskaya GRES)
Rosenergoatom Concern, Kursk Nuclear Plant Branch
Interregional Distribution Grid Company (IDGC of Siberia), Buryatenergo branch
Siberian Energy Company (SIBECO)