Tomsk Polytechnic University

Electrical Engineering and Electric Power

Bachelor’s Degree
180 budget places
68 paid places

Professionals and professional world-class teams in the field of electric power engineering and electrical engineering.

Program Overview

It is difficult to imagine the modern world without electrical energy. Therefore, professionals in the field of electric power engineering and electrical engineering are always in demand on the labor market. Graduates work as engineers, designers, researchers and managers at enterprises of the electric power engineering and electrical engineering profile, monitor production processes, transmission, distribution, conversion and use of electrical energy, participate in development of systems and devices that realize these processes.

During the training, students can use laboratories with modern equipment. Our international educational and scientific centers are equipped with units, stands, tools and materials from Woodward and Eaton (USA), Danfoss (Denmark), Lappkabel and Viessmann (Germany). According to academic mobility programs, our students study at universities in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Germany, France. Double degree programs are being implemented with the Czech technical university in Prague, Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble (France) and the Supélec Higher School of Electrical Engineering (France).

Internship Opportunities

  • Rosneft
  • Russian Railways
  • Surgutneftegaz
  • Lenenergo
  • Rosseti FGC UES
  • Tomsk Vakhrushev Electromechanical Plant
  • Russian Federal Nuclear Center – VNIIEF
  • Energoatom Concern
  • POLYUS (Tomsk)
  • Tomsk Plant of Electric Drives
  • Kontur (Tomsk)

Skills and Competences

  • assign tasks in the field of electric power engineering and electrical engineering, analyze and solve them using all the required and available resources
  • design electric power and electrical systems and their components
  • plan and conduct experimental research related to determination of parameters, characteristics and condition of electrical equipment, objects and systems of electric power engineering and electrical
  • engineering 
  • manage complex engineering activities in the field of electric power engineering and electrical engineering 
  • prepare reports and exchange technical information in the fields of electric power engineering and electrical engineering 
  • work individually and as a member or leader of a team, including an interdisciplinary one
  • carry out comprehensive engineering activities in the field of ele electric power engineering and electrical engineering, taking into account legal and cultural aspects, health and safety issues 

Employment Opportunities

  • Elecard Devices (Tomsk)
  • “Polyus” (Tomsk)
  • Siberian Chemical Combine (Seversk)
  • Electrotechnical company (Moscow)
  • Electrotechnical company (St. Petersburg)
  • Transmashholding (Moscow)
  • JSC Academician M.F. ReshetnevInformation Satellite Systems (Zheleznogorsk)
  • CJSC Sapsan – Wind Energy (Moscow)
  • Scientific-Research Institute Elektromash (St. Petersburg)
  • Siberian Branch of RAS
  • KamAZ
  • Gazprom
  • Tomskenergo
  • Kuzbassenergo
  • Sakhaenergo 


  • Pokholkov Yu.P. —  Professor, Rector of TPU in 1990 – 2008, President of the Association for Engineering Education of Russia
  • Ushakov V.Ya. —  Honored Professor of TPU, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation, Honored Engineer of the Russian Federation
  • Kobzev A.V. —  Rector of TUSUR in 1999 – 2009, Chairman, Tomsk Branch of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs; Chairman, Council of the Tomsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
  • President, Tomsk International Business Center “Technopark”
  • Shurygin Yu.A. —  Professor, Rector of TUSUR in 2009 – 2014), Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation
  • Chuchalin A.I. —  Professor, member of the International Academy of Sciences of Higher Education, Academy of Quality Problems, International Energy Academy, Capacity Building Committee of the World
  • Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO), certified ING-PAID IGIP European / International Teacher of Engineering University
  • Yampolsky V.Z. —  Honored Professor of TPU, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation

Educational programs