Tomsk Polytechnic University

The growing complexity of electromechanical systems has spurred the demand for engineers who can design an electrical machine and its motion control system, select and configure electrical equipment for transportation systems and manufacturing facilities. 

Students in the Mechatronic Transducers in Transportation and High-Tech Industries program gain professional skills to work in a variety of fields, from aircraft and electric vehicles to large-scale industrial robots. They have an opportunity to develop their engineering skills and acquire special knowledge in one's area of interest in mechatronics. 

Present-day electrical engineers will face exciting challenges: to create mechatronic systems and their integral parts to facilitate the development of transportation systems and high-tech manufacturing for decades to come.

All this opens up great employment opportunities. Graduates can build their careers in such industries as aerospace, transportation, and power engineering. 

Mechatronic Transducers in Transportation and High-Tech Industries is a multi-track program, where students can choose one of the three educational tracks: Electric Drive and Automation, Aircraft Electrical Equipment, and Electromechanical Power Transducers for Industrial Facilities and Vehicles.

For over 50 years, the faculty of the program has been training specialists in the design of electromechanical transducers for transportation and industrial facilities, by blending tradition and innovation. The expertise is based on the succession of scholarly traditions of Electrical Machines and Apparatuses and Electrical Drives and Electrical Equipment departments.

Key competencies

  • design of electronic parts and electrical machines integrated into transportation systems and industrial facilities;
  • monitoring and control of manufacturing processes of electromechanical power transducers and electrical equipment;
  • maintenance and residual life check of power-generating and electrical equipment at industrial facilities and transportation means, maintenance repair;
  • design of electromechanical power transducers for industrial facilities and vehicles.

Program overview

In the 1st and 2nd years of study, students acquire basic power engineering competencies. They are introduced to the basics of mechanics, electronics, programming and electrical engineering, thus building the framework for advanced studies.

In the 3rd and 4th year, they study the basics of mechatronics: electric drive control, electric machines, protection and control equipment, and power transmission. The curriculum is designed to support an academic research project coordinated with industrial partners. Students strengthen their engineering skills and acquire professional knowledge in a particular area of interest in mechatronics.

Research projects involve experimental studies or prototyping of a mechatronic system or its part. The wide range of research topics we offer reflects the research interests of our faculty, so you will be mentored by an expert in your chosen field.


Facilities and resources


  • Elements of automated systems and power converters

  • Electrical and electronic devices

  • Electrical machinery

  • Physical fundamentals of electronics and microprocessor technology

  • Electric drive and automated control theory

  • Aircraft power supply systems

  • General industrial mechanisms and process automation

  • Electric drive microprocessor control systems

Internship opportunities


  • Tomsk Instrument Plant

  • Tomsk Electronic Company

  • Polyus

  • Reshetnev ISS

  • Power Machines

  • Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant

  • SibMash

  • Murommashzavod

  • EleSy

  • Sarapul Electric Generator Plant

  • Novosibirsk Aviation Plant named after V.P. Chkalov

  • Energia named after S.P. Korolev

  • Russian Helicopters


  • Siberian Electric Machine Plant

  • SVEL Group


  • Yury Borovikov, Acting Rector of Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University
  • Nikolay Gusev, Director of Mechatronics-Pro
  • Pushkarev Ivan, General Director of Tomsk Electromechanical Plant
  • Victor Rulevsky, Rector of Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics
  • Anton Yudintsev, director of TUSUR Research Institute of Automation and Electromechanics
  • Ravil Duseyev, General Director of Siberian Electrotechnical Company.
  • Oleg Beim, director of Avtomatizatsiya Proizvodstv
  • Pavel Stepanov, Deputy General Director of Geoscan
  • Elena Lagereva, Director of Elektrozavod